Recently I asked on Twitter "Twitter friends, what are your best readings in digital inequalities, the digital divide and or digital inclusion?" There was lots of discussion and all sorts of interesting suggestions, which I list below. This is when social media is at its best - the power of weak ties!
Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, @thatpsychprof: I’d recommend one of @hypervisible’s articles, for example: Maya "yes, that's really my last name" Hey, PhD @heymayahey: Perhaps a little more theoretical than desired, but I have really benefited from reading the work of Wendy Chun. Discriminating Data, but also earlier works such as Race and/as Technology. Su-Ming Khoo @sumingkhoo·: Old book but important Natalie B. Milman, Ph.D. @nataliebmilman; I have a digital folder & a few books - one I return to often is @markwarschauer 's piece - published in 2003: (@markwarschauer I have good news—the book this is based on, Technology and Social Inclusion, will be released open access soon. Just finalizing the details now with MIT Press!) Dr. Stella Lee @stellal: I recommend anything by @ruha9 Especially Race After Technology. Michael Paskevicius @mpaskevic: I have found the research of Eszter Hargittai to be quite useful Gerrit Wissing @yokufunda:;; Sandra Sinfield @Danceswithcloud: For Digital Inclusion I always turn to DS106 ( as a model of using the digital for creative purpose - and I follow @cogdog for ongoing uplift and inspiration. George Station @FirstYear156: I follow such as @ruha9, @safiyanoble, @hypervisible (which you do already, I know) and read what they're reading. Sometimes I gripe about EDUCAUSE proper, but @EDUCAUSEreview has good digital #DEI articles these days so kudos to their editors ✿Caroline Kühn✿ @carolak: This is an excellent one :-) The Promise of Access Technology, Inequality and the Political Economy of Hope By Daniel Green and A digital new deal is also an excellent Dr. Catherine Cronin @catherinecronin: are wonderful. @A4A_Internet concept of 'meaningful connectivity' And this “reading next” pile: Well-being Freedom and Social Justice; Your Computer is On Fire; The Costs of Connection Julian McDougall @JulianMcDougall: Ellen Helsper’s The Digital Disconnect The Social Causes and Consequences of Digital Inequalities Dr Amanda M L Taylor (-Beswick) Digicritical @AMLTaylor66: Emily Keddell“Make Them Dance”: Shoshana Zuboff’s Surveillance Capitalism, Behavior Modification and Fraser’s “Abnormal Justice” * Thank you to Amanda Taylor-Beswick for the picture of her great books
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AuthorI am a professor at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, interested in the digitally-mediated changes in society and specifically in higher education, largely through an inequality lens Archives
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